Platinum Gutters Blog

Which Critters Could Be Living in Your Gutters?

June 8, 2022

squirrel on gutter

Gutters are a necessity for every home and need to be cleaned regularly. If you think that leaves are all you’ll find in your gutters, think again. There are critters that could be making a home there as well, looking for a warm place to ride out the winter. One of the best ways to prevent critter infestations is by thoroughly cleaning, sealing, and repairing your existing gutters. A professional can get rid of any animals lurking in your gutters and offer a solution to prevent future issues. Read on to learn which critters are commonly found.


Gutter Replacement and Exterior Painting: Why It Should Be Done at the Same Time

May 16, 2022

closeup of gutter replacement

Have you realized that it’s time to replace your gutters? If you’re going to do that, you should consider painting your home’s exterior as well. By working on both home improvement projects at the same time, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars down the line. There are many advantages to replacing your gutters at the same time as repainting your home. Read on to learn more about the benefits of getting everything done at once.  


4 Signs Your Gutters Need to Be Replaced

April 7, 2022

closeup of gutter

According to the National Association of Homebuilders, gutters made of galvanized steel or aluminum are able to last well over two decades. While they’re certainly sturdier than you may have thought, there are still issues you should regularly check for that indicate it’s time for a replacement. If you don’t remember when your gutters were installed, these four signs are a surefire way to know they need to be fixed.


Common Signs and Possible Causes of Loose Gutters

March 8, 2022

man checking gutters

We’ve officially made it to Spring! Now that the weather is getting warmer, you may start working through your list of outdoor projects. Make sure you prioritize checking your gutters! They’re responsible for directing water away from the foundation of your home, preventing multiple water-related issues like soil erosion and basement flooding. If your gutters are loose, they won’t be able to function and protect your home properly. That said, here are possible causes and common signs of loose gutters.


Everything You Need to Know About Gutter Flashing

February 9, 2022

man installing gutter flashing

Have you ever heard of gutter flashing? Most people haven’t. Even though it may not seem like a big deal, it’s a significant part of a durable, long-lasting roofing system. It’s incredibly important that you understand the role of flashing on your home as it can help you identify gutter issues in the future, saving you plenty of money on more complex roofing inspections and repairs. Read on to find out what gutter flashing does, why it’s important, and how it can help protect your roof.


Gutters: How They Work & Why They’re Important

January 11, 2022

closeup of gutters on home

What’s one part of your house that usually remains “out of sight, out of mind”? That’s right – gutters! Although many people don’t think about it, they play a crucial role in keeping your home in its very best shape. They direct rainwater away from your house, helping you avoid water damage and costly repairs. However, since rain gutters are not required by law, you may be wondering if they’re even necessary. After all, they’re prone to clogging, attract nesting birds, and can only handle a limited volume of water. Read on to learn how gutters work, why they’re so essential, and what you can do to make sure yours do the best job possible.


Winter Checklist: Prepare Your Gutters for the Cold Weather

December 16, 2021

man cleaning gutters

As you can imagine, one of the best ways to solve problems is to prevent them from happening in the first place. When it comes to your gutters, there are plenty of things you can do to stop the freezing temperatures from wreaking havoc. Now that the winter season is upon us, you need to start preparing your gutters for the cold weather. For your convenience, we’ve created a winter checklist you can use for your gutter prep.


How to Keep Your Gutters from Freezing

November 10, 2021

frozen gutters

During the winter months, your gutters can freeze if you don’t take the proper preventive measures. Most people may not realize it, but frozen gutters can lead to some costly repairs. They can also cause backups that lead to water infiltration and roof leaks. Luckily, you can avoid these incidents by taking all steps necessary to keep your gutters free of ice. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can keep your gutters from freezing in the first place.


5 Tips for Hanging Outdoor Christmas Lights

October 27, 2021

man hanging Christmas lights on gutters

The temperature is dropping, the leaves are changing colors, and the sun is setting much earlier. It’s that magical time of year everyone looks forward to – the holiday season! Now that Christmas is right around the corner, you’re probably getting ready to hang your decorations. While putting up your Christmas lights, the last thing on your mind may be your gutters, even though it should be a priority. Here are a few tips to keep in mind so you can avoid damaging your gutters.


The Benefits of Gutter Guards

September 9, 2021

leaf on gutter guards

Gutter guards. They’re a topic of debate among homeowners because not everyone agrees they’re worth the time, cost, and effort to have installed. However, what most people don’t realize is that they have several benefits beyond just preventing clogs. They drastically reduce the amount of maintenance you have to perform on your home and keep you from handling what could be a dangerous task. With that in mind, continue reading to learn more about the benefits of gutter guards.
