If you haven’t paid much attention to your gutters over the past year, chances are high that they’ve started to sustain some damage. Unfortunately,you probably won’t notice that there’s an issue with your gutters until it rains. Gutters are designed to prevent extensive water damage not just to your home,but to the surrounding foundation. To prevent your home from losing value or save money on costly home repairs later, you’ll want to read this.
To learn how to catch the signs of leaky gutters and the most common causes, consider these helpful points!
How Do I Determine That My Gutters are Leaking?
The next time it rains, pay close attention to the sides of your home as well as the foundation you are walking on. If you notice that puddles are forming around the perimeter, pay close attention to your roof. Is water running into the gutters and diverting out the downspout? Or, is it pooling inside your gutter and spilling over the side?
Another good way to determine that an issue is present with your gutter system is to check your basement. Look for any leaks or signs of moisture on the floor or walls. Take note of stains on the siding or walk ways around your house.
If you notice one or more of these issues, you probably need to replace your gutters (or at least a portion of your gutters if they consist of multiple pieces.)
What are the Most Common Causes of Leaky Gutters?
One of the most common culprits of malfunctioning gutters is the fact that they are clogged with debris. This includes leaves, sticks and even nests created by animals. If the gutter is full, then water will never reach the downspout and be properly directed away from your home. If you live in a deciduous area, you may need to start cleaning your gutters more often.
Another common reason is the gutters were not installed properly the first time around. If the gutters are loose, the runoff water can flow over the edge of your roof and damage it in the process. If your gutters are improperly pitched, meaning they aren’t angled correctly, the water may never move. This could also be due to the gutters being filled with debris and sagging as a result.
Finally, your gutters could have multiple holes inside them,which is likely the case if you notice water damage in specific areas around your house and not around the entire perimeter. This is typically as a result of corrosion and can be filled with caulk or waterproof sealants, but this is only a band-aid solution.
Are your gutters damaged and need replacement? It’s worth getting the job done with a professional by your side. Consider professional gutter repair today!
About Platinum Gutters
Platinum Gutters offers the community a wide variety of gutter options. This includes different colors, styles and protections systems, all designed to make your home look appealing while still being functional and reliable. To get a free quote on your gutter replacement, you can contact the team members through their website.